Upvote Features & Fixes

Before you submit an idea, check if the idea already exists below. If it does not exist already, feel free to submit a new idea, be as detailed as possible. ✌️

  1. Focus mode toggle in OSX (Command Shift T) overrides Chromes Reopen Last Close Tab shortcut

    I often use Command+Shift+T in Chrome to reopen the last closed tab but Blitzit overrides this as toggling focus mode. I don't see anywhere to unmap/turn off this shortcut in Blitzit

    Dante C
    #Bug Report 🐛


  2. Mobile Add for iOS & Android

    We will start development of a seamless mobile app with all your tasks and live timer synced. You can start on your desktop, leave your desk and the timer still runs on your phone!

    Blitzit Team
    #Must have ✅


  3. TickTick Integration

    The ability to sync tasks, task completion, and their pomodoros.

    Braxton B
    #Must have ✅#Integrations 🔗


  4. Ability to add tags to the task

    When I create multiple tasks in terms of one project, I would like to have the ability to segment tasks with some tasks (e.g. when I develop a single application, I would like to split tasks into backend, frontend, marketing, etc.) for more clarity

    #Must have ✅


  5. Gmail integration

    I’m actually switching from Sunsama, and one thing that I am missing is being able to pull in emails that I can turn into tasks, or simply create reminders with them.

    Hiawatha W
    #Must have ✅#Nice to have 👌#Integrations 🔗


  6. List Ordering

    Would be nice if I could could drag to re-order my lists in the "All my lists" view. Currently they are sorted by creation date.

    Fields B


  7. More options for recurring tasks

    More options like specific days in a week/month, every two days etc would be nice to have and more intuitive.



  8. Webhook Integration

    For most integration you will probably use webhooks to do them. It would be helpful if you could make a Webhook API (which you will probably use and have anyway) and give us the chance to make custom webhooks. This would make integrations possible to get or send data from other 3rd party apps. With a Custom Webhook component we could use any automation tool like make.com or zapier.com, as well as other WebApps that want to create support for it. I think this can be a big leaver to make your app accessable in many other Situations.

    #Must have ✅#Integrations 🔗


  9. Google Tasks

    Want to be able to pull in tasks from Google Tasks

    Faith H
    #Integrations 🔗


  10. Automatically continue timer after hitting goal

    When the timer hits the time estimated the timer automatically stops. This doesn't make any sense to me. Instead it should continue to track time and play some unique sounds when you're over time—but I need to accurately log my time and I will never stop my work just because the "timer" is up. I almost never hit on "target," I'm either over or under.

    Rob H
    #Improvement 👍#Must have ✅


  11. iPad App

    I know a mobile app is in development but as an iPad user, I’d also love to see a version similar to the desktop for iPad. Having the ability for slide-over to have my Blitz sidebar multi-tasking would be amazing! E

    Tylor S


  12. Pause timer on MacBook sleep

    How should work: When closing the lid of the MacBook, the timer should pause automatically. Actual: When closing the lid of the MacBook, the timer unpins and stops, so when you open it and resume the timer, it starts from 0

    #Must have ✅#Bug Report 🐛


  13. Pomo Mode Timer

    I noticed when going into Blitzit mode, the pomo timer will start on a task. Once you complete that task, the pomo timer resets for the next task. The pomo timer should not be assigned to a task. Example The pomo timer is 25 minutesStart Blitzit and a 25 minute timer is assigned to the top taskYou complete the task after 10 minutes of workThe next task starts with a 25 minute timer vs a 15 minute timer

    #Improvement 👍


  14. Calendar View

    Instead of just showing the daily task bar, have a calendar/week view as well to be able to add tasks to specific dates and see whats upcoming in terms of events over time. To plan over a longer time span...

    #Improvement 👍#Must have ✅#Nice to have 👌


  15. Apple Calendar Integration

    The integration of Apple's calendar would be hugely useful.

    Hayden J
    #Nice to have 👌#Integrations 🔗
