Upvote Features & Fixes

Before you submit an idea, check if the idea already exists below. If it does not exist already, feel free to submit a new idea, be as detailed as possible. ✌️

  1. Pinned
    Mobile Add for iOS & Android

    We will start development of a seamless mobile app with all your tasks and live timer synced. You can start on your desktop, leave your desk and the timer still runs on your phone!

    Blitzit Team
    #Must have ✅


  2. Sub tasks

    Adding subtasks in notes with a visible progress bar attributed to that task based on completed subtasks.

    Blitzit Team
    #Improvement 👍#Nice to have 👌


  3. AI Task Creation

    Dictate and talk to Blitzit with a full brain dump of your goals. Blitzit will organize and suggest your scattered thoughts into actionable tasks.

    Blitzit Team
    #Improvement 👍#Nice to have 👌


  4. Power search feature

    Type keywords to search through all task titles and notes and find what you are looking for.

    Blitzit Team
    #Improvement 👍#Nice to have 👌


  5. Add labels option

    It will be great to be able to add labels to individual tasks based on context. Similar to the todoist app.

    Jakub V
    #Improvement 👍#Nice to have 👌


  6. Google Calendar Integration

    Integrate as many Google calendars to specific Blitzit lists as you want. This will pull any appointment as a scheduled task inside Blitzit with relevant appointment information copied inside the notes of the task.

    Blitzit Team
    #Must have ✅#Integrations 🔗


  7. Extend Break

    An easy way to extend the break

    Blitzit Team
    #Improvement 👍#Must have ✅


  8. Eisenhower Matrix: Prioritization Technique

    Use this feature to help you quickly organize your tasks in order of priority by dragging into relevant buckets that help you decide how important a task is. Based on this tasks will automatically move to specific schedules or list columns.

    Blitzit Team
    #Nice to have 👌


  9. Break Time Library

    Receive break time suggestions and add your own. This way you spend meaningful breaks VS spending it mindlessly on a social media doom scroll.

    Blitzit Team
    #Nice to have 👌


  10. Rize like app behavior Tracker

    Can we expect Blitzit to be similar to Rize in future updates, where it will also track my app usage behaviors and block me from accessing it after a certain period of time?

    Iftekhar A
    #Improvement 👍#Must have ✅#Nice to have 👌


  11. Pinned Timer

    It should be possible to pin the timer to one place for the whole time, even if I closed Blitzit, the next time it should appear in the same place.

    Jana K
    #Must have ✅


  12. Keyboard Power Shortcuts

    Always be a key or two away from creating tasks, drafting notes, or any other action.

    Blitzit Team
    #Improvement 👍#Must have ✅


  13. Webhook Integration

    For most integration you will probably use webhooks to do them. It would be helpful if you could make a Webhook API (which you will probably use and have anyway) and give us the chance to make custom webhooks. This would make integrations possible to get or send data from other 3rd party apps. With a Custom Webhook component we could use any automation tool like make.com or zapier.com, as well as other WebApps that want to create support for it. I think this can be a big leaver to make your app accessable in many other Situations.

    #Must have ✅#Integrations 🔗


  14. Bi Weekly Schedule

    I have tasks that need to be executed bi-weekly. I would like to schedule them in Blitzit.

    #Improvement 👍#Nice to have 👌


  15. Light Mode

    We are working on this!

    Blitzit Team
    #Improvement 👍#Must have ✅
