Upvote Features & Fixes

Before you submit an idea, check if the idea already exists below. If it does not exist already, feel free to submit a new idea, be as detailed as possible. ✌️

  1. Focus mode toggle in OSX (Command Shift T) overrides Chromes Reopen Last Close Tab shortcut

    I often use Command+Shift+T in Chrome to reopen the last closed tab but Blitzit overrides this as toggling focus mode. I don't see anywhere to unmap/turn off this shortcut in Blitzit

    Dante C
    #Bug Report 🐛


  2. Mobile Add for iOS & Android

    We will start development of a seamless mobile app with all your tasks and live timer synced. You can start on your desktop, leave your desk and the timer still runs on your phone!

    Blitzit Team
    #Must have ✅


  3. Spotify Integration

    I would like to be able to start playing a 'focus' playlist when a task is active

    Merveen P
    #Nice to have 👌#Integrations 🔗


  4. Calendar view of all tasks

    Calendar view of all the tasks.

    Vlad Velichkov
    #Must have ✅


  5. AI Task Assignment

    Sorting tasks by priority and schedules using AI would make this a killer app. That way you can create tasks, add deadlines and forget them. They can be automatically assigned to the day and you can move them to the next day or remove them for that day. Basically, sometimes I have a lot of tasks to offload that may not be apart of a project and just have a deadline. I don't want to think about fitting things into my schedule. Based on how long it should take and your work/personal schedule, it will assign it within the time slot. I am using Usemotion right now and they refuse to connect to Clickup because they call themselves a Project. Manager. But they are missing features like time tracking that Clickup has and this app has.

    #Improvement 👍#Must have ✅#Nice to have 👌


  6. AI Task Creation

    Dictate and talk to Blitzit with a full brain dump of your goals. Blitzit will organize and suggest your scattered thoughts into actionable tasks.

    Blitzit Team
    #Improvement 👍#Nice to have 👌


  7. Google Calendar Integration

    Integrate as many Google calendars to specific Blitzit lists as you want. This will pull any appointment as a scheduled task inside Blitzit with relevant appointment information copied inside the notes of the task.

    Blitzit Team
    #Must have ✅#Integrations 🔗


  8. Eisenhower Matrix: Prioritization Technique

    Use this feature to help you quickly organize your tasks in order of priority by dragging into relevant buckets that help you decide how important a task is. Based on this tasks will automatically move to specific schedules or list columns.

    Blitzit Team
    #Nice to have 👌


  9. Task from sent email

    It would be great to be able to create a task by forwarding it to an address in the app. This will create a new task. It works the same way in the Todoist app.

    Jakub V
    #Improvement 👍


  10. Todoist integration

    Suzanne H
    #Must have ✅#Integrations 🔗


  11. Hotkey to add a task from anywhere

    Hopefully we could get a global hotkey to add a task to Blitzit from anywhere. I use it on Akiflow and this is my favorite feature. See how it works: https://youtu.be/AXIfpF2X07w (it even adds the copied link of the tab i'm currently wworking on to the task)

    Diane @ L
    #Improvement 👍#Must have ✅


  12. Prioritise tasks and order with AI

    Have the ability to set a priority level for each task I.e. low, medium, high and urgent, and then have AI order the task list based on time estimate and priority.

    Joshua W
    #Improvement 👍#Nice to have 👌


  13. Attachment in the task comment

    It will be great to be able to save attachments to the task as well. For example, a document with notes, photos, etc.

    Jakub V
    #Improvement 👍#Must have ✅


  14. More options for recurring tasks

    More options like specific days in a week/month, every two days etc would be nice to have and more intuitive.



  15. Sub tasks

    Adding subtasks in notes with a visible progress bar attributed to that task based on completed subtasks.

    Blitzit Team
    #Improvement 👍#Nice to have 👌
